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arterial highway 意味

"arterial highway"の例文


  • 幹線道路{かんせん どうろ}、動脈道路{どうみゃく どうろ}
  • arterial     {形} : 動脈{どうみゃく}の(ような)、動脈血{どうみゃくけつ}の、幹線{かんせん}の
  • highway     highway n. 幹線道路, 本道; (成功 失敗などへの)常道. 【動詞+】 block the highway 幹線道路を封鎖する
  • arterial high-standard highway    高規格幹線道路{こう きかく かんせん どうろ}
  • arterial highway network    幹線道路網{かんせん どうろもう}
  • highway     highway n. 幹線道路, 本道; (成功 失敗などへの)常道. 【動詞+】 block the highway 幹線道路を封鎖する build a highway 幹線道路を建設する cross the highway 幹線道路を横切る Part of the strategy was to cut the highways nort
  • on a highway    幹線道路で
  • arterial    {形} : 動脈{どうみゃく}の(ような)、動脈血{どうみゃくけつ}の、幹線{かんせん}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】α:(r)ti'(э)riэl、【分節】ar?te?ri?al
  • (highway) median    (highway) median 中央分離帯 ちゅうおうぶんりたい
  • (highway) overpass    (highway) overpass 道路橋 どうろきょう
  • adjacent to the highway    幹線道路{かんせん どうろ}に隣接{りんせつ}した
  • alaska highway    {地名} : アラスカハイウェー
  • alcan highway     ál?can Híghway [?lk?n-] ?Alaska Highway .
  • belt highway    〈米〉環状線{かんじょうせん}
  • blocked highway    閉鎖{へいさ}された幹線道路{かんせん どうろ}
  • busy highway    交通量{こうつうりょう}の多い幹線道路{かんせん どうろ}


  • today ' s omiya-dori street between shijo-dori street and jujo-dori street is an arterial highway , but the section north of shijo omiya is narrower .
  • once the kamakura shogunate was established by minamoto no yoritomo , the tokaido began to serve as an arterial highway linking kyoto and kamakura .
  • the street , which runs east and west through the center of the city , is the main arterial highway with most of the section designated as a general national highway .
  • it is a 4-lane arterial highway that runs through kyoto city , with the section between kawabata-dori street and karasuma-dori street belonging to national highway route no . 367 .
  • the area along nakachojamachi-dori street which is located off the arterial highway and slightly in the west of the kyoto gyoen national garden is a central part of an urban area where stores , offices and housings coexist .
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